Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Worldwide Repression of sexuality

 The repression of sexuality has been a worldwide campaign since the 17th century. It has its roots in fundamental religion and fundamental politics as well. Imagine some of the reasons why some parts of the world do not legalize a lottery or other forms of gambling. 

Take for example the state of Alabama in the United States. A limited form of legalized gambling came up for vote in the state capitol of Montgomery this month, again. This issue comes up for votes on a regular basis and this month it failed by one vote. 

Imagine some of the reasons marijuana is not legal in some parts of the world, and take again the example of Alabama. The main reason marijuana is not legal in Alabama is because the state has a very strong alcohol lobby, and the state itself is the biggest seller of alcohol, through outlets it calls ABC stores. 

Certain people and organizations in power see a threat to legalizing gambling and marijuana because they believe such a move would take money away from organizations they personally have a vested interest in, such as churches, 

In a similar sense, a world of open sexuality could be viewed as a threat to similar entities because of the money factor. Money spent on sexual activities is considered money that could be spent in church in the form of donations. 

But the shame etched on sexuality since the 17th century cannot be discounted. Sex has been fashioned into a very private act, but over the decades certain groups and individuals have bucked this prevailing attitude. 

In the heterosexual world sex is often pushed as a procreation tool. If a man obtains sex with his wife outside the goal of procreation, this is considered a bonus. Note, it's the man who is the one is supposedly seeks or needs the extra sex. The woman is more often viewed as the means to an end. The act of sex is often considered concluded once the man has his orgasm. Women are often viewed as taking a long time to have an orgasm, or having multiple orgasms, so if the woman has at least one round of orgasms, this might be considered sufficient in the man's world. Attitudes have changed though and man often consider the woman and want to assure that she as well experiences an orgasm. 

In movies it is more often the woman who drops in front of the man, although one sees more examples of the man dropping in front of the woman these days. Still, it's a man's world.

Humans have basic, primary needs, with eating being the main needs. Sex is often not viewed as a need, or a required need, yet it is a required need for many people. The overall suppression of sexuality is the root cause of many tragic instances of forced sex. 

The Worldwide Repression of sexuality

 The repression of sexuality has been a worldwide campaign since the 17th century. It has its roots in fundamental religion and fundamental ...
