Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Small Town People and Sexuality

 With rare exception, people who live in small towns have small-minded views about sexuality. Everyone knows everyone and they are all, at least publicly, heterosexual and married. Some small towns have a token homosexual or homosexual couple. Most think it’s novel and adds a little character to the town. They will accept the homosexual or couple as long as the individuals do not cross the line. Crossing the line would be holding hands in public. Kissing in public would be completely unacceptable. Some small town people will accept a gay or two who is relatively subdued in public and therefore does not force their hand. Small town people do not feel comfortable having to publicly confront homosexuality. It’s okay if it hovers in the background, people know about it but rarely if ever talk about it. It makes for good snickering material at gatherings. People wink and smile. They all know but it’s best to leave it unverbalized. Younger heterosexual makes can frequently act out against homosexuals. This is a way to showcase their masculinity and assure others they are not homosexual, even though sometimes they are homosexual and are in denial at the highest level. Small town heterosexual boys in a pack can be dangerous. They may take on a mob mentality and due to lower levels of intelligence quota, may react much like some animals in the wild. Extreme low levels of intelligence is rampant among small town heterosexual boys and due to self-awareness of this fact may cause extreme, sometimes dangerous actions on their part. Low intelligence in small town boys is often countered with overdriven testosterone levels. This anomaly can be dangerous when the physical dominance outweighs mental functionality. The over-aggression often finds it’s mark on targeted girls or women. This is a subject most definitely to circle back on in future posts here. 

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